natural dog supplements and vitamins

5 Best Dog Supplements that Will Change Your Pet’s Life

natural dog supplements and vitaminsA dog has a wide variety of nutritional needs and, in addition, it might also have special needs. Therefore, you must turn to the best dog supplements on the market that will nourish your furry friend. Because every dog is different, just like humans are, you should find those options that are meant to solve its shortcomings. It is almost impossible to ensure all of your dog’s nutritional needs just by feeding it correctly. That would be an ideal situation, but fortunately you have some of the best dog supplements at your disposal to complement its diet.  We came up with 5 best supplements and vitamins that will enhance your pets life!

  1. Wild salmon oil

The salmon oil contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids and it is meant for a healthy skin and coat. In addition, these fatty acids protect the dog’s heart and kidneys and promote the proper development of its brain and retina. They also help reduce cholesterol and stress hormones. This type of supplement is especially suitable for pregnant or lactating female dogs because it provides extra energy in the form of nutrients.

  1. Best dog supplements for joints

A product meant to improve the condition of a dog’s joints should typically contain mussel meat, which protects and strengthens tendons, ligaments, cartilage and inter-vertebral discs, glucosamine glycan, which stimulates the development of cartilage and fluid in joints, grape seed extract, vitamin C, Gamma-linolenic acid and Omega 3 fatty acids. Large breed dogs may have problems resulting from too rapid growth and an unbalanced diet that can cause cartilage disorders.

  1. Garlic granules

The Garlic granules are natural supplements suitable for dogs. If used regularly, this product works against aging symptoms as a blood purifier and contributes to the health and welfare of the pet. Because of garlic consumption, the dog’s skin develops a layer that repels fleas and ticks. This should also contain vitamin A, E, C and D3.

  1. Multivitamins

Adult dogs may have vitamin deficiencies, so they should be fed with multivitamin supplements besides their regular food. These support your dog’s health because they contain a balanced combination of vitamins and minerals, more specifically around 11 water soluble vitamins and 6 vital oligoelements. The best one will be created in collaboration with veterinarians.

  1. Anti-stress supplements

The anti-stress supplements are recommended for tense situations, such as veterinary visits, live animal shows, crowds, excursions, travelling, aggression, fear and so on. They can be administered on a longer period of time as long as they are natural. If they only contain natural ingredients, then they don’t make the dog sleepy, but just have a calming effect on it.

In conclusion, do your due diligence before buying any supplement. I always call the company up to get an explanation on how they derive the supplements.  In case of any doubts you should consult  a holisticthe vet before administering any of these supplements to your beloved canine companion.